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Clothes of the Nineties, Index Adidas Windpants
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When it was popular:
Description: Light windpants. Made noises everytime you moved. Came in a bunch of colors with a white or black stripe down the side. Also had button down ones.
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i remember these so good.
I remember these. They weren't considered authentic among everyone unless they had three white stripes. Mine had too I was busted haha!
Remember Adidas poppers? They had the poppers up the sides of the legs, at the bottom - and people used to sneak up on you, grab the bottom of your trouser leg and pull - leaving you with a flapping trouser leg open to the knee. You then had to spend ages doing up the poppers...
Incidentally, all my Adidas trousers had the jackets to match!
My sisters used to wear them all the time with all the buttons unbuttoned.
Oh god, I remember begging my mom to get me button pants. ahahah They had shorts too. I had the classic white and black stripe down the side.
HAHA I had some button up Adidas tousers which were buttoned to the top of the leg, it was really rubbish though cos if they got caught on something i'd be totaly exposed!!!!
im doing a dance wth some friends for a school event and our theme is 90'sand we want to wear adidas breakaway pants, the ones with the snaps up the sides. do you know where to buy like cheap knock offs of them?
omg!! i use to have them lol!! psyche!
aww I have blue ones with the snaps still in my closet at my parents house... i used to wear them as gym pants
I still have a pair of these.
hahahahaha natalie is the coolest person ever bruhhh.
Ive always wanted a pair of those sweats!! tear..tear..lol
argh poppers! amazinggggggg! they were like air conditioning for the legs!! Can't say i miss them though...
Anyone remember where you used to have the jacket in the opposite colour-way to the trousers/pants? EG, used to have navy trousers with 3 orange stripes down the side, but then an orange jacket with 3 navy stripes down the arm. anyone remember that? or was that just me lol....
I always wanted those when I was little! I loved the noise they made when you moved.
I got tortured in mine!! They flapped in the wind so some kids decided to use me as a flag!! I was hung there with my windpants and windjacket flapping around for like an hour!!
oh my god i used to have navy ones with bright green stripes!!! they were so cool i actualy wish i still had them...maybe i should try ebay
I still have those!!
Lmfao! I had a few pairs - they were the thing to be seen in , so cool in school ... if you had two stripes you would be know as 'tesco two stripes' etc ... very cheap .. well in England anyway.
I have a black pairo f thoses. somebody gave them to me.
Mine had two stripes...
lol I hated those when they were popular but I had a few pairs I never wore so I decided to try them and now I wear them alot.
People still wear these.... Alot.....
it was funny in my gym class a couple years ago a kid wore these and they snapped open all the way and bam there was his boxers. lmao it was so funny
Oh my. I remember when I got my first pair, I was in the forth grade, my Aunt was visiting and she took out a blue pair. I was estatic, considering they were super popular, I wore those puppies until the buttons were falling out haha.
people do still wear these alot, I was at a fair the other day and probably one out of every 10 people there had a pair on.
im gay
Ugggh I remember wearing these (as tearaways) in gym class in middle school, playing badminton, and somebody's racket catching on them and down they went... the teacher nearly died laughing.
These were the first item of clothing I bought for myself. My best friend had them, ad I thought they were so unbelievably cool that I just had to get some.
my boy joey had a pair of these in every color he was obsessed with these pants
i was more into the JNCO's
my other freind was obsessed with the tear away pants and in gym everyone would rip them off and run away with the pants
& also they had see through versions of the windbreakers and hot chicks would com to class in them and wear skimpy underwear and all us boys would be drooling for that period untill a teacher or a dean would send them home (which did nothing cause noone wants to be in class anyway)
ha ha, you didn't have to guess who was wearing a thong in them, especially the light colored ones. The windbreaker pants were almost always gathered at the ankles and did make a lot of noise when you walked in them so I never wore them.
I wore these all the time for basketball practice. My favorite pair were my sky blue ones.
I still rock these cuz i'm fit and tall. Ha
lol everyone still wears these
Hello. I'm 18 and in high school now and those are still very popular. All the kids on my hockey team wear those all the time. The only problem is there are not enough pockets for my wallet, keys, cigarettes, and i-phone so I end up carrying my phone all the time.
I had these pants in Blue They got so dirty in gym class they were impossible for to wash so I threw them out. I had them black yeatrs after
Still have them, and still love them. Girls are hot in them too
hi all does anyone know where i can buy popper pants as they are great for my hospital appointmennts as i hate wearing shorts if you can get back to me the will be great thanks christine
hi all does anyonre know where i can buy these trousers in england or in u.s.a cheap as they are great for hospital appointmeans plese thank you all very very very much
I had these pants in light blue with white stripe going down the side of them and middle school during physical education classes
I had these in blue and black.
In 2nd grade, I loved to wear windsuits. When winter came around I was excited because my parents bought me 10 wind suits to wear to school for Christmas. After Christmas break, I wore a windsuit everyday all through the winter months.
I was in elementary school during the late 90's and windsuits were popular for kids. In 2nd grade, it was really cold all winter long. So, my parents kept me in a windsuit because it was cold in the mornings and when we had to go out on the play ground in the mornings and in the after noons. I was glad when winter was over because I had to listen to myself swish around all day. In 3rd grade, a lot of my windsuits wore out and I hoped my parents wouldn't buy me anymore. But, they thought I looked cute in them so they bought me a purple and black suit, a pair of pink and black windpants with a matching windvest, and a few pairs of windpants. I still had a purple windsuit that I didn't wear much the year before. Everytime, it rained I was sent to school in a windsuit. And on really cold days, my parents made me wear a windsuit to school. Twice a week, I had a class that I didn't like to go to because the teacher was mean. I tried to skip the class on purpose and the teacher knew it. She'd watch for me in the hall to see if I was at school on the days I had speech because she'd have to come get me. Sometimes, I'd luck out and she wouldn't come after me. But, everytime, I was in a windsuit, she heard me swishing down the hall and knew I was at school and I had to go to speech class. That teacher loved windsuits and wore one everyday all through winter with a white tee shirt with the school logo or a soild color turtle neck. On two really cold days, I got stuck wearing a windsuit. One day I was in a pink and black suit with a white tee shirt and another time I was in a dark purple suit with a white tee shirt. Both times, when I had to go to that class, I was shocked because that teacher had the same outfit on. There was another student who had that class with me and they had on the same outfit. That teacher loved that all three of us were dress a like. As punishment for not coming to class, we had to hold her hand and walk up and down the hall as she told everyone she had to come get us because we ditched class. After those two experiences, I cried and begged my parents not make me where one of those suits again. Luckily, I never had to wear one of those outfits again.
I never owned a pair of adidas windpants, but I did own a few pairs of tear away pants. Up until fourth grade I wore a lot of windsuits to school. After seeing my friends and teachers wearing them a lot, I wanted to wear some wind suits to school too. I begged my parents to buy me some windsuits. They bought me some windsuits, but let me have two pink suits to wear since pink was my favorite color and because I wanted a wind suit so bad. One of my suits was bright pink and my other suit had a pink jacket and black pants. I loved how they were smooth and silky. They were much more comfortable than my itchy tights that I wore with dress, weren't as tight as my knit pants, and weren't as hot as my sweatpants. I loved the swishy sound that they made when I walked. I was able to wear a windsuit every Thursday and Friday. I chose those two days because we had PE and I would be able to hear myself swishy for an hour. Some of the other girls in my class loved windsuits and hearing themselves swishy as much as I did so they wore their windsuits on PE days too. At recess all of us would walk around on the play ground because we could hear ourselves swishy all through recess. After Christmas, I got a bunch of windsuits and I was really excited because that meant I could hear myself swishy everyday. We went back to school on my birthday and I wore a black and red windsuit to school. All of the other girls in my class some windsuits too. We all decided that all of us would wear a windsuit to school every Friday. All of the boys decided to wear their windsuits every Friday too. Our teacher noticed that one Fridays the whole class were wearing windsuits. So, she ended up wearing a windsuit too. One time in class all of us girls decided that we wanted to all be in the same windsuit and the same type of shirt. Since all of us had the exact same windsuits since our parents bought the multicolored windsuits at wal-mart. All of us decided to wear our pink and navy windsuit and a light pink turtle neck to school one day. All of the boys saw all of us dressed the same and oneday every boy in the class came to school in a light blue turtle neck and a navy and blue windsuit. Our teacher saw everyone in the class wearing their matching windsuit. One day, she stood up in class and said "On Friday, we'll all wear a windsuit to school." Everyone in the class had a soild navy windsuit and we all decided to wear a navy blue suit with a white turtle since navy and white were the school colors. I loved it because I was able to hear the swishy sound all day long. When it got warmer, I wore a windsuit jacket without lining to school everyday. And I wore my windpants as much as I could.
When I was a little girl all of my windsuits were multicolored. My favorite suit had a pair of navy pants with a hot pink stripe going down each leg. My jacket was navy with a wide hot pink stripe going across the front. The cuffs and collar of the jacket were blue.
@Swishy 2nd and 3rd grader My parents sent me to school in a windsuit every time it rained. And I had to wear a windsuit with a turtle neck to school everyday during the winter months because we had to go outside to get the lunch room since it was in a different building and we had to go outside twice a day for recess. My best friend was stuck wearing a windsuit everytime it rained and was stuck wearing a windsuit with a turtle neck everyday during the winter months. Her parents felt the same way my parents did. They wanted to make sure we were warm enough when we went outside. During the summer our parent took us school clothes shopping together. We decided that all through winter we'd wear the same turtle neck and the same windsuit all through winter and the same windsuit when it rained. So, we ended up buying the same clothes. During the winter we wore the same outfit everyday.
I loved these pants as a small child. Where I went to elementary school at, we weren't allowed to wear shorts after my kindergarten year. I didn't wear jeans. When my parents took me school clothes shopping, we looked at all types of athletic pants since I complained about being hot in sweat pants. When we found these pants, I tried a pair on and liked them. My parents bought me several pairs of these pants with lining and without lining so I could wear them all year round. When I went back to school a few of my other classmates were wearing these pants too.
@ Mina, I loved wearing windpants as a small child too. And I also loved the swishy sound they made. At times, I'd rub my legs together while I was sitting down just so I could hear myself swishy.
I wore dozens of these suits all through primary school I loved how bright, colorful, and shiny these suits were. I also liked the swishy sound they made when moving around. Most of the time, I wore them when it rained, if it was really windy, and all through winter. Before school let out one year, I decided that I wanted to be in a windsuit more frequently. When I went school clothes shopping, I saw that they sold adidas windpants separately without having to buy a jacket too. That was the first time that I had ever seen the pants sold separately. I decided that I wanted to wear a pair of windpants everyday to school since I didn't wear jeans very much. My knit pants were too tight, my sweatpants was too hot, and they kept the classroom really cold during the summer and my legs got cold. So, my parents bought me a several pairs of black and navy adidas windpants, some new shirts, and some new windsuits to wear to school.
I had a lot of windsuits, when I was a little kid. I loved how colorful, shiny,and bright they were. I also loved the noise they made when you moved around. I always looked forward to mid to late October because that meant the weather would be cold enough for me to get out my windsuits and wear them every day until late April. I always wore a solid color turtle neck or a solid color tee. I usually, had my jacket zipped up as far it would go when I was a tee shirt. When I was in my turtle necks, my jacket would be zipped up to the cleavage level. The only time, I didn't wear the jacket with my suit was during PE. During PE, I tied the jacket tied around my waist and I'd immediately put back on as soon as PE was over. One year, I had a teacher who was strict and wanted perfection. Most of the time, she didn't allow us to wear jackets even it was part of our outfit.It was really cold that year and a lot of the other girls were in their windsuits too. As soon school started or later on in the morning, a lot of us were told to hang our jackets up. I felt naked sitting at my desk in my windpants and turtleneck or long sleeve tee shirt. Even though I wanted to wear my complete suit, I eventually got used to being in half of my windsuit. I was still able to hear myself swishy when I got up to sharpen my pencil, walking down the hall, recess, or PE.
During kindergarten and first grade, I saw a lot of my teachers and classmates in windsuits and I decided I wanted to wear one too since I didn't have any. When my parents took my shopping for school clothes, I got several pairs of adidas windpants (in any color I could find) and some windsuits. I didn't want to wait for cold weather, so I wore a pair of my adidas windpants to school on the first day. I loved shiny, silky, and bright the pants were. I even loved hearing "Swish, swish, swish," while my thighs rubbed together when I walking. So, I stayed in windpants during the warmer weather. I also wanted to be able to swish around everyday. When it got colder, I wore a complete windsuit to school everyday until it warmed up. I always looked forward to PE and recess, because I would be able to hear myself swishy. On rainy days, we played heads up seven up, and who ever I picked was always able to guess I was the one who picked them because I was swishing around. That whole year, I was in a pair windpants every single day.
During, my elementary school years, my favorite thing to wear were windsuits. I wanted to be in one no matter what time of the year it was. I didn't wear jeans, and I didn't like wearing sweatpants.Since I wanted to wear a windsuit all the time, my parents let me wear my windpants to school without the jacket. When we went school clothes shopping, we found the adidas windpants that could be purchased separately and they could be purchased with or without lining. They even found wind Capri pants for me to wear to school in the summers. So, my parents bought me the wind Capri pants instead of shorts, windpants, complete windsuits,and new tops to wear to school.
I remember seeing my classmates and teacher wearing these bright, multicolored, shiny, sliky, and swishy windsuits suits and wanted to wear them too. When the fall clothing came out my parents bought me some of these suits. When it was cold enough for me to wear one, my parents told me that it was could enough for me to wear a windsuit. I wore a bright pink windsuit with a with a pale pink turtle neck. I closed the door and got dressed. As soon as I got my suit on, I zipped it up to the cleavage level like everyone else wore. Then I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself in my shiny multicolored windsuit. After looking in the mirror, I wanted to have a few minutes to myself because I wanted to swish around. So, I walked around in my room hearing myself swishy.
In 3rd grade we had a lot of strange weather. In the fall and in the spring I was in a pair windpants almost everyday because it was windy, rainy, or cold. The winter was much colder than normal, so my parents kept me in a windsuit full time and most days I wore a turtle neck with my suits.
All through elementary school, I was in a pair windpants three or four times a week. I started wearing them in kindergarten after seeing my friends wear their windpants and complete windsuits. The first time I wore windpants, I decided to wear a complete suit so I could experience what it was like to wear windpants and a complete windsuit at the same time. One of my friends said the turtle neck and windsuit combo was popular and white turtle necks made your suit stick out. That morning, I put on a white ruffled turtle neck and a navy and hot pink suit. After I put my turtle neck and windsuit on, I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself in my shiny and bright suit. I wondered what it would be like to swish around in my own suit. I started walking around my room non stop for a few minutes because I wanted to hear myself swishy. While, I was walking around I noticed that the swishy sound was louder simply because I was wearing the suit. I enjoyed being able to experience being able to hear myself swishy. When I got to school my friends were in complete windsuits or in a pair of windpants. After wearing my suit to school, I wore windpants to school three times a week, especially on days we had PE because we were required to wear athletic clothes to school. Since I loved and wanted to hear myself swishy, I decided on days I wore windpants to school, I would have five minutes of swishy time in room. During swishy time, I closed the door and I either walked around in my room, ran in place, or rubbed my legs together to hear myself swishy. During the winter, I wore windsuits full time. I always wore a turtle neck with my suit, unless it was a day that I had PE. On PE days, I wore a soild color short sleeve shirt with my suit. When I wore a complete windsuit, I had swishy time for ten minutes since I could rub my arms together, or against my jacket besides moving my legs to make myself swishy.
I wore these shorts in gym class back in middle school but now I prefer yoga pants
@ Swishy 2nd Grader, I'd also qualify as a Swishy 2nd grader too. I didn't want to wear shorts to school because the classrooms wore cold, I didn't wear jeans, my knit pants were too tight, and my sweat pants were too tight. In Kidergarten and first grade, my favorite thing to wear to school were windsuits and I wanted to be in one no matter what time of the year it was. So, when I went school clothes shopping I got windsuit, tops, and several pairs of adidas windpants. I had never wore the pants separately before until second grade. I mostly wore black and navy pants during the warm weather, but I did have a few pairs of pink pants and a purple pants, I a had pair red pants, green pants, blue pants, and light blue pants. In the winter months, I wore a complete windsuit. I mostly wore turtle necks with them
When I was in upper elementary school, there was a little boy named Shane in my class. His parents kept him in black windpants everyday. He hated it because his pants were swishy and he was the only kid in the class who was in a pair of windpants full time. Me and two my close friends were also very close to him. I personally, loved wearing windpants because I rarely wore jeans. I hated wearing sweatpants because they were too hot and I hated wearing my knit pants because they were too tight. My other two friends also loved wearing windpants. One of the two friends also loved wearing windsuits. When the cold weather arrived me and her would talk about how excited we were about wearing windsuit on our first day back from fall break. Both of us packed up our jeans, sweatpants, and shorts until spring. We got out our windpants, windsuits, and turtlenecks and put them with the tee shirts that we had. In the winter, we usually wore turtlenecks. I really wanted to make Shane feel more comfortable about having to wear windpants everyday. Even thought it was still warmer weather, I decided that I was going to get my windpants and windsuits out early. I was going to wear a pair of windpants to school the next day and I was going to stay in windpants or windsuit for the rest of the year. I asked my other two friends if they would do it with me. My friend who loved windsuits was looking for an excuse to get her windpants and windsuits out early. Our other friend said he was wanting to find a reason to wear either a windsuit or a pair of windpants to school everyday. We decided that we were going to get out our windpants and windsuits and stay in them for the rest of the year. The following day, I came to school in black windpants and a pink floral tee shirt, my best friend came to school in black windpants and a pale yellow tee shirt, Shane's best friend came to school in a pair of black windpants and a grey tee shirt. Shane came to school in black windpants and a green tee shirt. He was surprised we were wearing windpants. I explained to him that we wanted to make him feel more comfortable and were going to wear windpants with him everyday. He was really touched that all of us were going to do it with him. We told him that all of us could enjoyed walking down the hall together and hearing ourselves swishy. I asked Shane if he was willing to wear complete windsuits with us in the colder weather and he said yes. I told him that once a week we'd all wear the same outfit. All of us had a navy windsuit and a white tee shirt with the school mascot printed across the shirt in navy. So we wore that outfit once a week. When the cold weather arrived me and my best friend were either in a pink, purple, yellow, light blue, or mint green windsuit with a turtle neck and the boys were either in a black, blue, green, red, or navy windsuit.
During the colder weather my parents sent me to school in sweatpants or tight cotton pants. I had those two types of pants in every little girl color there was. When these pants came out, I was happy because I loved wearing windsuits and I stayed in them during the winter. Before school, started my parents bought me these pants instead of sweatpants and cotton pants. I had a pair of these pants in every color. I even decided that I wanted to wear these pants instead of shorts during the warmer weather. When school started back some of my other friends were in these pants too and they decided that they wanted to stay in windpants everyday.
@ Dan did you wear the pants after that incident?
During kidergarten, my best friend wore windpants and windsuits a lot. After seeing her wear them, I started wearing them too. Neither one of us wore jeans and on days we weren't in windsuit or in a pair of windpants, we were either in sweat pants or cotton knit pants. A few years later, we decided that we wanted to stay in windpants more than we did in the past. At school, we had to either dress out for PE or wear our PE clothes to school. Our teacher told us that we could wear windpants if we didn't want to wear shorts, but in the colder weather everyone would have to wear a windsuit or a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants in PE since we'd being running around on the track a lot. We also had PE twice a week. We both decided that twice a week we'd would both be in windpants. Then in late September we wouldn't be able to wear shorts until late april or early may. We both decided in September we would be wearing a pair of windpants or a complete windsuit to school everyday. When our parents took us school clothes shopping we told them about our experiment and they were fine with us doing it. However, they found cute little soild color turtlenecks with a ruffled neck and ruffled sleeve cuffs. So, we had to try several of them on with the suits that we picked out. Our parents decided on the really cold days, they were going to keep have us wear a turtleneck with our suits. When we had PE for the first time, we both decided to wear the same outfit. We both wore a pale yellow sleeveless polo shirt and a navy adidas windsuit since it was raining. When late September came, we both talked about what we were hoping to find out by doing the experiment. I thought we'd be blinding in more with other kids because that was the time at least one person in our class was in windpants every day until warmer weather. She thought it would get our teacher off our back since she complained when we wore the knit pants because they snagged. But, we thought they were tight anyway. We both thought we'd be warmer on the playground and we'd like getting to swish around school all day together and we'd also enjoy swishing around school with our other friends when they wore windpants or complete windsuit to school. On the first day of the experiment we thought it would be fun to dress a like. We both liked to wear purple so we wore a pair of dark purple wind pants and pale purple floral tee shirt. When we got to school our other class mates were in jeans, windpants, or a complete windsuit. So, we blinded in and our teacher didn't comment about what we were wearing. When it got colder we started wear full windsuits everyday with a soild color or floral tee shirt. It was much warmer on the play ground. By winter, our parents were keeping us in both in soild turtlenecks. Since the white turtleneck and windsuit combo was popular, they kept us in white turtlenecks mostly. By that time we were get frustrated with being turtlenecks and swishing around school everyday. But, we couldn't end the experiment since our parents had decided to send us to school in a windsuit everyday. We both wanted to stop swishing around school and get out of the itchy turtlenecks. But, it was only November and we were going to be stuck in windsuit turtleneck combo until March. Then we'd be in a windsuit or windpants everyday and could wear what ever type of shirt we wanted. So, we decided that we would wear the same suit twice a week and on our birthdays. One my birthday we were a pink suit and navy suit with pale pink turtlenecks and on her birthday we were in hot pink and purple suits with a pale purple turtleneck.
In grade school, we had weather preimere. Everyday, an upperclassman would get on the intercom and tell what the weather was going to be like that day. Parents were advised to dress their children according to what the weather was that day. The school even sent a letter out with a list of clothes that would be recommended. At the top of the list was windpants, windsuits, turtlenecks, long sleeve tee shirts, sweatshirts, and sweatpants. Jeans could also be worn but the school perfered us to be in windpants as much as possiable since it was going to be a cold winter. I only wore knit pants but the school asked parents not to send their students in those pants since they snagged easily. The school was going to sell navy windpants, windsuits, and white tee shirts with the school logo at low price so parents could by several of them for their kids.
@ half Windsuits, when I was in elementary school, my whole class had to make a 100th day of school shirt. I ended up decorating a pale purple tee shirt with 100 foam animals. I had gotten a new purple and teal windsuit for Christmas and I saved that suit for the 100th day of school. When I got to school, they were taking pictures and I ended up having to take my jacket off as soon as I got to school and had to leave it off all day. So, I spent the day in my pale purple tee shirt and my purple windpants.
I had 3 pairs of the nylon taffeta Adidas breakaway pants in black, navy, and green. Mostlt rolled them up, stuffed in backpack for P.E., but some days I would just be lazy and wanted to be comfortable, so I wore them all day. No lie, I would be freeballin in them joints, too, sometimes. Dick be on brick, sittin in class, jumpin n throbbin; head covered in pre-cum rubbin against that slick nylon. Damn!
@ Javaris Ingram, when I was in middle school our PE teacher wore adidas windpants a lot. We were required to change our pants and our shirt. But, he told us that we could wear a pair of windpants to school and stay in them during PE and all we'd have to do was change our shirt.
When I was in my pre-teens and teen years, I remember my aunt stayed in windpants all through winter. Whenever she wore a pair of windpants, they were either black, sliver, or navy and she usually wore a sweatshirt with them. My friend Gail also loved windpants and she always wore a pair of black or navy windpants to school with a long sleeve tee shirt. If I wore a pair of windpants, I was in a windsuit. My friend Patti gave swimming lessons after school, so on days she had to give swimming lessons, she wore her swimsuit to school. But, she wore a windsuit over her swimsuit and kept her zipper zipped up as far as it would go.
When I was in grade school, I was best friends with a girl named Patti. We both loved windsuits and they were our favorite thing to wear. As soon as the fall weather arrived, Patti and I would come to school in a pair of windpants and a sweatshirt. Normally, we'd be swishing around in a pair of black or navy windpants. We wore solid color tee shirts with our windpants and our sweatshirts were the same color as our pants were. We did own a pair of sliver, purple, dark purple, light purple, dark green, royal blue, light blue, red, maroon and dark pink windpants. Once, it got colder Patti and I were able to transfer into a complete windsuit by mid October. And we wore solid color tee shirts with our suits. By the first part of November we were finally able to wear turtlenecks with our windsuits. We loved the pants and suits so much because they were bright, shiny, water and wind proof, and we loved the swishing sound the pants made when they rubbed together. Two other things Patti and I had in common were that we loved to go swimming and go shopping. When Patti and I went shopping together, we wore our windpants with our sweatshirts or a full windsuit. If it was during the summer, we wore a pair of windpants without lining with a short sleeve tee shirt or a sleeveless polo shirt. If it was rainning we both wore a windsuit with out lining. When we went shopping, we'd look at the new windpants and windsuits that were had just came out. If we weren't looking at windsuits, we'd be in the swimming section looking at new swimsuits that just came out. Patti and I went swimming together a few times a week either at the pool she had at her home, a friend's pool, the beach, the water park, or when her family took their house boat out on the lake. When Patti and I went swimming, we stayed in our swimsuits all day since we spent most of our day in the water. And we always wore out our swimsuits and always had to replace them each year. One year, Patti invited me to come spend a week with her over the summer. We were going to be at the beach, swimming in her pool, or on her house boat all week. Patti and I asked each other if we had ever stayed in swimsuit for 24 hours. Niether one of us had done it before. But, we were interested in knowing what it would be like. We both thought we'd be cooler walking around in just a swimsuit on warm and pretty days, we'd both be able to go get in the water as soon as we woke up in the morning and wouldn't have to change our clothes. We both decided to try it. Since we were spending a whole week together, we decided to stay in a swimsuit full time together. We knew our parents wouldn't let us keep our swimsuits on when we went to bed or on a rainy day and couldn't get in the water. We decided that we could put a tee shirt and a windsuit on over our swimsuits if we had any rainy days. And we decided that after took our showers we could put on the swimsuit that we planned to wear the next day and put our pajamas on over them. Then once everyone was asleep, we'd pull our pajamas off and sleep in our swimsuits. We decided to buy seven new swimsuits. I picked out a light blue floral swimsuit, a turquoise swimsuit, a light purple swimsuit, a leopard print swimsuit, a black swimsuit with roses printed all over it, a raspberry swimsuit, and a zebra print swimsuit. Patti bought a leopard print swimsuit, a black swimsuit, a zebra print swimsuit, a navy swimsuit, a tiger print swimsuit, a jaguar print swimsuit, and light purple swimsuit. On the first day, I arrived at Patti's early in the morning but had my swimsuit on underneath my clothes. We spent most of the day in her pool. When we had to get out to eat lunch we just wore a beach cover up. After we had to get out when it got dark we took our showers and put on swimsuit and put our pajamas over it. Patti had a pull out bed in her room. So, I slept on the pull out bed and Patti slept in her own bed. Once everyone was asleep, we were able to take off our pajamas and sleep in our swimsuits. On the third day, Patti's parents had to go out of town for a few days for a business trip unexpectly. Since we were both old enough to stay by ourselves, we got the opportunity too and her parents had left frozen dinner and money for us to order a pizza. We were told we could swim in the pool or walk down to the beach and swim. But, we could go swimming unless we were at the same area. Once her parents left, we went down to the beach and swam for the morning and spent the afternoon at the pool. That night we decide to both wear our leopard print swimsuit, zebra print swimsuit, and light purple swimsuits on the same day. We decided to wear our leopard print swimsuit first. Since no one was around, we were able to walk around her house in our swimsuits. We decided to order pizza and put on our black windpants when the delievery guy came. When we went to bed, we were planning to spend the whole day at the beach. We didn't even have to worry about going to bed in our swimsuits without getting caught. The next day, we decided to get in her parents outdoor hot tub. But, it was raining when we got up and we couldn't get in the water. And it was suppose to rain for the next two days. Patti and I were frustrated about not getting two days. But, we decided to put on our windsuits and walk all through the house and listen to ourselves swishy. We put our windsuits on and left our jackets unzipped. Patti thought it would be fun if we were spoke the only two things we were allowed to say was "Swishy, swishy, swishy, swishy," or "Swishy, swish, swishy, swish," non stop. We'd be able switch from saying "swishy, swish, swishy, swish," and then switch over to "swishy, swishy, swishy, swishy," or the other way around if we got tired of saying the same thing repeatly. I thought it would be fun if we took turns speaking in squeaky voices or saying the phrases as loud as we could. We walked around for two hours. First Patti spoke in the squeaky voice and I spoke as loud as I could. Then very twenty minutes we switched. We decided to play swishy says. Whoever was swishy had speak in a squeaky voice and instruct the other one to run in place, sit down and rub their legs together, or walk around the room. So, we took turns being swishy, while instructing the other one what do. If we gave a command and didn't say swishy say the other had to say "Swishy,swishy, swishy, swishy," in a squeaky voice while hopping on one foot. While it was still rainning, we pulled our hoods up and decided to go swish around outside in the rain. It didn't last long since it started to pour down rain and it was hard to see. So, we went back inside. We took off our wind suit jackets and decided to walk around in our swimsuits and adidas wind suit pants and swimsuits. I asked Patti if she had ever slept in a windsuit or a pair windpants. That night we decided to wear our swimsuits and windpants. But, it was noisy and neither one of us could sleep. So, it end early. We decided to end the swimsuit experiement early since it was getting uncomfortable to sleep in a swimsuit. So, we started back with wearing pajamas and only wearing our swimsuits when we were in the water.
Windpants were still popular in the late 90's and early 2000's. Since I didn't wear jeans, I wore windpants to school once the fall weather arrived. I had a few windsuits that I kept for rainy days since I didn't like to wear rainy coats. Since I wore the pants so much my parents bought me windpants in any color that they could find. I wore a tee shirt that were the same color of pants, but they were in a lighter shade or solid white. And I wore a wind shirt that was the exact same color of my pants. During the winter, I was normally in a long sleeve tee shirt or a turtleneck. I liked the noise my pants made when I moved around. When I got up in the mornings, I was always so eager and excited to get into my windpants. When I was going to get dressed, it would be quiet when I walked and moved around. But, once I stepped into my windpants, I always was excited to know that once I took my next steps, I'd start to swish around and it would be following me around all day.
In the early to mid 2000's, I was in middle school. The year I was in 8th grade, they had a clothes closet for students. It was filled with tee shirts of the school mascot on the front for students who had something inappropriate on their shirt, showed to much skin, or showed their bellies. And the closet was filled with many pairs of black windpants for students to change into if their jeans had holes in them or were low cut. In 2005 and 2006, one of the fashion styles was to have holes in jeans. A lot of students who were into fashion trends wore jeans with holes in them. I wasn't into fashion and I didn't wear holes in my jeans and I always kept my shirt tucked in, so I never had to change into any of these hidious pieces of clothing. Depending on how big a hole was in a students pants, determined if they would be at risk of having to change into black windpants. Some of the teachers took advantage of clothes closet and purposely picked out students who had tiny holes in their jeans that were barely noticeable. They'd tell the student to change and they'd be like it's just a tiny hole. I remember my 8th social studies teacher made a girl change because she had a tiny hole in her jeans. The girl was just stunned and asked why. The teacher said "because you have a hole in jeans." The girl asked if she'd get her jeans back and the teacher said "yes, at the end of the day. Now, go change." You could just tell the girl was so upset and embarrassed because she was singled out in front of the whole class. She came back swishing into the room in a pair of black windpants. I heard her tell her friends that pants were tight, hot, uncomfortable, and were noisy. One of my friends had to change her jeans as soon as she walked into school because she had a tiny hole in her jeans. I remember she told me and our other friends how uncomfortable the pants were. All of the girls hated those pants because they didn't go with what they were wearing. The school had many pairs of those pants and every day some of the students were seen wearing them. However, the family resource coordinator was really sweet person. I heard students say that when they were told to go change, she had a iron on patches and a sewing basket in her office and she'd put patches over holes and mend small holes in a student's shirt. Many students loved her for that and were gracious towards her act of kindness to help them out.
I remember when I was seven years old, I wanted to wear windpants and windsuits so bad because all my friends and teachers were wearing them. I begged and begged my parents to buy me windpants and windsuits. They bought my pants and suits to wear to school when they came out with the fall and winter clothing. As soon as I got some windsuits, I immediately wore them to school. And I even got more of Christmas that year. When I wore them to school, I wasn't paying any attention to the fact that I was swishing around. Whenever I wore one, all I could think about how I wasn't the only one in my class who didn't have any windsuits and I liked being able to wear them with my friends. When I was in third grade, I started wearing jeans and I found out that I liked them better than I did windpants and windsuits. Later on when it got colder, I put on a windsuit to wear to school. I noticed that my pants were swishy and made a lot of noise when my legs rubbed together. I didn't want to wear them to school, but my parents had already bought several pair of windpants and windsuits to wear to school. I used to beg them not to make me wear them but they told me we had a rule, you agree to buy it, you will wear it. And they made me wear them to school anyway. After that year I never wore those noisy things again!
I remembered wanting theses in gym class in middle school the pants with the stripes on the side
My best friend Patti and I loved to wear windpants to school everyday. The pants where smooth, shiny, silky, bright, colorful, and also made a neat swishy sound when the pant legs would rub together during walking. During the cold winter months we'd wear complete windsuits and turtlenecks. One time on a really cold day, we both wore a black and pale pink color blocked windsuit and a pale pink turtleneck. We went to the locker room to see how we both looked in our matching outfits and also because we wanted to hear ourselves swishy. We were going to be doing a new swim unit in PE and we decided that we were going to try on our new swimsuits. Patti changed into a black one piece swimsuit and I changed into a pink floral one piece swimsuit. We heard the bell ring but when we went to go get our clothes out of our gym lockers, the doors were stuck. We knew that we couldn't go to class in just our swimsuits. So, we were going to have stay in the locker room and try to open our lockers. It also meant that we were also going to have to hide from other classes when they were coming into change into their PE clothes. So, we decided that we'd both hide in a changing stall when there were people in the locker in room. During the PE teacher's planning period, we had the locker room all to oursleves. We were just still in our swimsuits and didn't want to go ask the PE teacher to help us. One because we didn't want others to see us walking around school in our swimsuits. And two because we were allowed to go in the locker room before school. Patti was able to open our gym lockers and we were able to get out our windsuits and tennis shoes. But, we found out the rest of our clothes were gone. Even though we could have put our windsuits over our swimsuits and went to class, we had several teachers who didn't allow us to wear jackets in the classroom and everyone would see we had swimsuits on. So, we decided that we'd have to remain in the lockeroom all day. We were bored and wanted to do something fun so we turned the showers on and played in the showers like they were outdoor sprinklers. We wanted to see what it would be like if we ran through the showers in our windsuits so we put them on over our swimsuits and turned the showers back on. We ran through the showers as we listened to ourseleves swish around in our windsuits. It was getting hot in the lockeroom and we removed our jackets and decided that we'd stay in our swimsuits and windpants and play in the showers. But, we got tired of playing in the shower so we turned it off. We decided to play a game of swishy says which is almost like simon say. But, in swishy says the players will be given commands that will make them swish around. Patti was swishy first and she mostly had me running in place, walking around the locker room, or sitting down on bench while I rubbed my legs together. When I was swishy I had Patti walking around the locker room, hanging from the shower stall while she rubbed her legs together, or running in place. After two games of swishy says, it was time for the next class to come so we both slipped out jackets on and hide in a changing stall. At the end of the day, we were finally able to leave the locker room and go home. I was going to Patti's after school and we were going to be going swimming in her pool. Since we had our swimsuits on we just removed our windsuits when we got to her house.
One year, it was colder than normal and my friend Patti wore a pair of adidas windpants and a soild color long sleeve tee shirt full time. Anytime she moved around, her pants never failed to make that loud swishy sound. She could be heard a million miles. Most people would have gotten tired of having to wear those pants everyday. But, Patti loved it. Each morning, she'd be walking around because she wanted to hear herself swishy. During PE, she stayed in her windpants and she changed her top. Instead of her long sleeve tee shirt, she wore a quick dri white sleeveless polo shirt. All through PE, she was swishing non-stop.
I hate going out in public wearing them but sometimes I would like to wear them in bed and sleep with them on. I like the sound of the rubbing legs together. It feels so nice on cooler nights to wear them in bed sleeping. I prefer these over regular pajama pants any day!
I freaking love these pants! I wear them as often as I can. I wore them in high school for baseball and soccer and never stopped! So much better than cotton sweatpants cause they're slippery and smooth.
I remembered wearing theses in gym class at the middle school in the late 90’s they were very popular I wanted them I got them in a light blue with white stripes
Best pajama pants! Love sleeping in them! The noise of them swishing when rubbing them is so relaxing. Everyone should sleep in a pair of them!
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