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Food of the Nineties, Fundamentals

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They were these snacks in a hexagon shape. Chocolate and vanilla flavors and possibly other flavors. It came out in 1994-1995. Haven't seen them lately, but taste-wise they were fair. Also to note, the commercial featured a man in his 60's saying something like, "Confound it, these are good"
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Kate - July 29, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember eating these in kindergarten at a friend's house all the time. At the time, I really liked them. I could never remember what they were called in later in years (I thought they were called "funmadoodles" or something) and no one seemed to remember them. I remember them being somewhat like hexagonal chocolate or vanilla Chex with chocolate or vanilla frosting inside, and that they came in small packets. It has been since 1994 since I've had them, though, so my memory of them is pretty fuzzy. I'd be interested to learn more from someone who remembers them better!
Tekno - May 01, 2013 - Report this comment
I remember having these in 4th grade. They also had peanut butter, smore, and brown sugar flavors. I actually enjoyed the taste and wish they still made them.
Will - April 24, 2017 - Report this comment
This is literally the only place on the internet I could find that makes any mention of these. How did any trace of these become so impossible to find?
Marc - November 14, 2020 - Report this comment
So weird that there's nothing on the net about these. I seem to remember the name being stylized like "Fun D' Mentals" or something along those lines. IIRC they were like little pillows of graham cracker or something, filled with chocolate or vanilla frosting, don't remember all of the flavors.
Chris - January 07, 2022 - Report this comment
Finally! Proof im not crazy! Im 35 amd these were my favorite after school snack when i was younger. They came in a blue pack like Fun - dementals! And were little wafer pouches of either chocolate or vanilla frosting. There were always a lot in each pouch too. Ive searched forever and still can't find a picture or nothing. The validation of knowing these existed is nice.
Brian - July 12, 2022 - Report this comment
After my girlfriend calling me a crazy person and looking all over the internet I found you all. Pleased to announce I have found proof. They were called Fun-Da-Middles and can be found by search that name +1994 and a commercial from YouTube should pop up.

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