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Food of the Nineties, Gobble Sticks
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They were like these meaty snacks that kinda had the same packaging as string cheese. It was a great snack
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User Stories and Comments
The following are comments left about Gobble Sticks from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. They were offered by "The Turkey Store" brand (before Jennie-O bought them out I think). The came in 4 flavors: Original, Smoked, Honey and Cheese (which had little daubs of soft cheese throughout). They were a great low-fat snack.
i used to love gobble sticks!i would take them for lunch everyday and all the other kids wanted them. i could easily trade them for a sweet or two...mmmm good eats...need to bring them back
does anyone know where i can find these??? do they still make them?? HELP
I loved these too so I went to Jenni-O (Hormel) and left a comment asking them to bring these back. Here's the link if you want to do the same! http://www.jennieo.com/forms/contact.aspx
i loved Gobble Sticks! i wish they still sold them in the grocery stores. these day all they have are plain turky hot dogs and they aren't as fun and tasty as Gobble Sticks were. :(
I LOVE gobble sticks, I really want them to bring these back. I hope they come back soon, they are soooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They NEED to come back!! I can't even find a picture of them :(
Man i thought i was alone in the world when it came to renmembering the greatness of the gobble stick...Glad to see im not
i love gobble sticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
When I was a kid, I loved Gobble sticks so much. I never wanted anything else.
Gobble sticks are absolutely delicious!!!!!!! I miss them very much. They were supercalifragilisticexpialedocious:) Yum Yum
My little brother loved Gobble Sticks. My mom would get them at the grocery store. But sadly, they don't make them anymore. What a shame. I wish they still made them.
I guess the only alternative is to gobble my turkey stick! HaHaHaHAHA
i grew up eating gobble sticks,and now when i talk about them at work,they laugh at me!!!
I'm so glad there are other people who remember these things! I've been trying to describe them to my boyfriend forever! He had no idea what they were.
I used to eat these in my lunch every day when I was really young because my dad got a hella discount for working for Jerome Foods then the Turkey Store then Jennie-O
Me and my friends are looking for these! I wonder if they could every bring them back! does anyone remember Jerky flavor!?
does anyone remember some of the flavors? my little sister and i were talking about them yesterday and we were having so much trouble remembering any of them. Please post whatever flavors you remember...
I actually emailed the company and asked about them. The reply was that they were not a big enough seller to continue, and no plans on ever making them again.
Just had some in Flint, Michigan at the Thompson Creek Turkey Store located inside the Farmer's Market. Here is the contact info. Have no idea if they ship their very tasty merchandise.
(810) 732-3625
2105 Mill Rd
Flint, MI 48532 43.032 -83.7613
one time my dad was on the phone and not paying attention to me so i consumed seven gobblesticks. good times :).
my dad worked for a meat company and used to bring me home huge cases of gobble sticks and my brother and i would eat the case in a couple of days, have a couple with breakfast, a couple with lunch, a few with dinner and a bunch inbetween meals. i still dont understand how i wasnt a chubby kid. but man o man i loved those gobble sticks.
wtf is a gobble stick?
i remember loving gobble sticks as a kid and whenever we went to the grocery store id make sure we got some!! why dont they make them anymore? anyone who didnt have gobble sticks as a kid had a deprived childhood cuz they were awsome!!!!
I was such a pig when it came to Gobble Sticks! I'd literally eat 2 packages of them. Easily! They were the alternative to string cheese. OH THE 1990's!
all these comments just put the biggest smile on my face!! MMMM GOBBLE STICKS!!! so good!!!! ooo the elementary school memories :)
maybe if we can find a buch of ppl to write the comp to brinb em back like a test run they can prob do it
I wanna try sum gobble stix.s like string cheese
They wern't around for too long, but they were delish! Even adaults loved them! The 90's were a lost decade, but the memories of Gobble Sticks will always linger! The honey flavor were the best! Anyone who grew up in the 90's & missed out on these culinary wonders-I feel for you :( I would gladly write the company-post the address someone, please!
I was in the gobble sticks commercial. I have the video still. I remember that they didn't seem to last long at the stores. Good times...love the 90s
I was in the Turkey Gobble Stick commercial when I was younger too! I wonder if it was the same one Erika? Ive been trying to find the video. I wish they still made them!
I worked for Jerome Foods when they made gobble sticks-I worked as a foreman on the evisceration (kill)line. I know they were not only yummy,healthy,but high quality. I wish they would bring these tasty snacks back!!
My daughter LOVED these! I really wish they would make them again! I would believe these would be more popular now with all of the health conscious people these days! BRING THEM BACK PLEASE!!!!!
Bring back Gobble Sticks!
Only the BEST snack ever!!!!!!!!! My kids LOVED Them and I want my grandbaby to too. PLEASE BRING GOBBLE STICKS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to be able to fit 2 whole packs of Gobble Sticks in my mouth at the same time! so Much fun, bring back the Goble Stix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But like seriously, bring them back right now!
I used to work at the Turkey Store plant in Barron,WI that made these. They eventually had 6 flavors. Original, Smoked, Honey, cheese, Jerky and Pizza. I remember eating these all the time. They were discontinued due to high packaging cost and low profit margin. I wish they would come back too!
wow this was my number one snack as a kid i could go through an entire box of those! I still think about them! And always wonder if they’ll make a comeback 🧐🧐🧐. *****memories******
Erika, I've got a stick you can gobble!
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