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Food of the Nineties, NesQuik Chocolate Taffy Bars
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I'm not sure what the official name for them was, but NesQuik made these chocolate bars that were my favorite thing ever and I really wish they would bring them back. They were soft pliable bars, almost the consistency of soft taffy bars, that tasted like a cross between milk chocolate flavoring and NesQuik flavoring, although it wasn't made of real chocolate. I used to horde them in elementary school...old days, good times.
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The following are comments left about NesQuik Chocolate Taffy Bars from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. HOLY CRAPPPPP!!!!! i frekin love that candy bar thing! i use to make my mom and grandparents keep those in stock whenever i came over. i miss them dearly. No one else knew what i was talking about when i mention these.
I used to love those things!! They probally don't make them anymore but if there is anything on the internet where they sell these post something about them. THanks
I have been trying t find these forever, NesQuicks home page says nothing about them.
You're talking about the Nestle Quik Bar which apparently was produced for Nestle by a company called Concorde Brands. My wife used to LOVE those things. I've been trying to find a supply of them (or something similar). If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
I finally found a picture of the wrapper in a candy wrapper database. (Really!)
I used to work for the company, Concorde Brands a division of Sunmark, which was purchased by Nestle in the 80's or 90's. I too loved these chocolate taffy bars, but production was halted due to the fact that Nestle didn't think the chocolate taffy tasted enough like Nestle Quik drink to market is as such.
Sadly, it was never made again under that name. However, I recently came across a bag of Nestle Halloween candy that has chocolate Laffy Taffy in it that taste very much like the old NesQuik Taffy bars. I would venture to say that it is the same formula.
Its 12:40am and I almost want to venture out and pick the Laffy Taffys. Is there anywhere I could find the recipe? Would I just find a basic taffy recipe and use NesQuik?
Hello, I live in venezuela and in the decade of the 90 i taste often the bars nesquick, I liked many, but lamentably they did not go out more it, wanted to ask BRAD which is the name of the one that says that taste in a bag of Nestle Halloween, because i search in internet and in this bag does not bring taffy laffy, PLEASE BRAD SAY ME THE NAME, thank yo very mucho. p.d: orry for my bad english
I think i founded LAFFY TAFFY CHOCOLATE JAR is this brad pleaseeeee, thank you
We need to group together, call NesQuik and demand they produce them agian! They were my favorite candy growing up!!! I still crave them and get really disappointed that I can't have one. I am going to write NesQuik an email...
Guys! I found the perfect substitute! There is a candy called "Ricos Besos" they are individually wrapped bites sized chews that taste just like the Quik Bars! If you are in Chicago you can pick them up at Banner Wholesale Grocers. If not in the area, have your local store get them from Banner. Enjoy!
i used to lllllllloooooooooooovvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee them
go to nestleusa.com and contact them, make a comment to why they discontinued it, and how they HAVE to bring it back. The more people that ask, or bother them each day, the faster, they will bring it back, because of the demand!
lol i found it to be sooo funny this site is here.. i was sitting on my bed craveing something an i rememberd all about these candy bars.. i looked online to order them an found a group of people missin them as much as me lmao.. if any 1 knows were to order them plz contact me at leonokielski@yahoo.com thanxx
I have been searching everywhere for these and then I found this site. I emailed Nestle that they need to bring them back and encourage all of you to do the same. :)
I saw this site and found a "Chocolate Moose Bar" flavor of laffy taffy. This was a huge disappointment. It tasted nothing like these did. :-(
I loved them too I now have a 7 year old son and he don't belive he when i tell him the quik made a candy bar due to he loves quik in his milk and on his ice cream i wish thay where still around i know he whould love them
I just ate a chocolate laffy taffy & it tastes so good. I remember the nesquik bar. This is very similar. Much like the old Bomono taffy bar.
I love, love this candy. Please bring it back!!!!
im not sure we're talking about the samme chocolate bar becauser i cant find any pictures on goodle about a nesquik taffy bar! but i really like a nesquik chocolate bar and the damn thing dousnt actually have a name on it -.-' but a mall near me has them sometimes but RARELY! its a yellow chocolate bar with something white in it! covered with milkchocolate on the outside! ive been searching all over the web i and i CAN'T FIND IT!! plz post a link some1!
hey guys are we talking about this chocolate bar from nesquik?
omg! i finally found the bar that people are talking about -.-' thanks to KELVIN! poor i have never tasted that chocolate bar be4 :( only the kinder chocolate bar from nesquik wich is still being produced......
Anders....are you talking about Charleston Chew bars? Dang those are good...choc covered white something or another, thats the original flavor in the yellow wrapper, they also make strawberry, choc/choc too.
I LOVED THEM. As a kid I loved them so much.
OMG!!!! did anyone else ever freeze them??? they were amazing that way! man i miss them!
no ray girl im talking about a big and tin chocolate bar from nesquik with something white in it under the chocolate! like kinder! i posted a link in one of my messages above that shud lead u to a small picture of it!
God, I loved the nesquik taffy bar too! How dare they get rid of it! Idiots...everyone loved those things... I cant believe they just completely stopped production!
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but I think the person that said Chocolate Laffy Taffy's have a similair taste to the Nestle Quik Bar (the actual name)should re-evaluate that thought. It doesn't even begin to come close to comparing to the taste of the Nestle Quik Bar (Once again, actual name).
You should go to their website and go to contact and write them a message about it, like I did. Here is what I received back from them. Maybe some of you will find it helpful like I did. though I was disappointed! Thank you for contacting Nestlé® Nesquik® regarding the availability of the candy bars. We welcome questions and comments from our consumers. Each Nestlé market evaluates whether a product has the potential to be successful in their country in light of local consumer preferences. Nesquik Bars are not currently distributed or sold in the United States by Nestlé USA. According to our information, at one time, they were distributed by Nestlé France. Although Nestlé does not offer direct sales, you may be able to search the Internet for sites that may offer foreign Nestlé products for direct purchase. Our company strives to offer quality products and packaging to the greatest number of customers possible. We will report your comments to our marketing personnel. We appreciate your interest in our products. Sincerely, Beverly Watson Consumer Response Representative
I have been craving these, and was just trying to explain to my husband what they were when I came across this forum. I am so happy there are other people who know what I am referring to and miss them as much as I do!
Seems like they still exist in Russia... http://zomgcandy.com/category/region/russian/
No, this candy from Russia you speak of is not the same. Thanks for getting my hopes up :(
These were my favorite too. April submitted a comment that the chocolate Laffy Taffy bar is similar to the old Bonomo taffy bar. If Bonomo is as good as the Nestle QuikBar, you can order chocolate Bonomo taffy bars and bite-size at groovycandies.com (turkish taffy is back). Let us know if you think Bonomo is as good.
What the hell were u guys thinking of taking those nestles quick chocolate taffy bars off of the dam market they were the BEST!!!! what hell.
thats why iam here i rember those candys as a kid in the 90s i was addicted to them most people would go in a store and buy a couple bars, but i always bought them buy the box every week a box . i want to show my kids the greatest candy ever made but cant find it , a few years ago 3 muskateers candy did a taffy verison of it but it wasnt the same i grew up in loganton pa and now live in northern mi if anybody ever comes across any of these please contact me asap
They sell them in Russia! At first I thought it was weird, because Nesquik is just powdered chocolate drink to me (and I don't remember them as a kid), but they were on sale so I bought a bag.
I loved those chocolate bars so much! Apparently, these "chocolate flavored taffy bars are sure to bring the memories rushing." I'll be the judge of that. :) backhttp://www.candywarehouse.com/products/bonomo-chocolate-turkish-taffy-candy-bars-24-piece-box/
Someone cut copy and paste all these comments and send it to nestle. I miss them soooo much and right now that I am pregnant I really really really want one lol
I have been wanting one of these for years. I used to eat them all the time when I was in elementary school. I miss them so much, wish the company would start making them again!!!
People used to bribe me with these things when I was in the marine corps.
Used to love NesQuik chocolate taffy bars !! They remind me of my childhood! Why did they stop producing them :(
I never tried the candy bar but I recently bought a comic book from the 90s and it had an ad for the Quik bar candy bar, looks pretty dang good alas I can't eat it now!
Omg. I have been looking for these forever. I haven't been able to find them. When I was a kid I use to get my mom to stop at this little country store by our house just so I could get a nestle quik taffy bar. They were my favorite. Still to this day when I talk about my favorite candy I always tell people about it. I sure wish I could find it and they would make it again. I'm definitely going to take the advice above and write nestle. I'm sure everyones requests help.
(Just PLEASE bring this candy back)PLEASE it made money I know.it got all my money an I was grown only on the west cost I lived on all the cost but only in New York I could find at candy. I hope to see it in all stores soon. Time for a come back...
Im from Arkansas but in 93-95 i lived in winchester KY and there was a grocery store there called Gaunce's. Me and a friend spent all our pocket change on NESQuick taffy bars and ALE-8. Man those were the dayz. But thats how the world turns, one minute it produces something good and then they take it away, what a pitty. we need to get this stuff back it is to tasty not to!
I am glad to read of others that love and know what bars I have been looking for. It has been forever since I have had one. Someone mentioned above that the Nestle company stopped producing them because of a non-original taste. Well, I tell you they tasted perfect to me. I think the official name is "Nestle Quick Bar- chewy Chocolate Bar" If anyone has ever seen that move "Zombie Land", I'm just like the guy looking for a Twinkies, but i want a Nestle bar.
my boyfriend is obsessed with this chocolate bar, we found it once in Greece out of the blue and I had never seen him happier. I'm trying to order some bars from foreign websites, and I think I might have found a website that delivers them in bulk. I'll let you know if I manage to get some!
De please dnt forget to send us the link of the website!! Am ready to go to the other part of the planet just to get this chocolate bar!!!! I used to eat it when i was 6 now am 24 and till today i still didnt forget the taste of it!!!! They made the biggest mistake when they stopped producing it
I been tweaking for a nestle quick bar!!! I miss em so much. They use to leave chocolate all around my mouth. My fiancé has no ideal what I'm talking about. I feel bad for her. I'll do anything for a bar RIGHT NOW!!!!!
I haven't thought of these since I was a kid! These were so good!
Omg I thought I was the only one who remembered this candy!!!! I freaking loved it!!!! Bring it back!!!!!!!!!
2023 bring it back baby! I loved this taffy bar.
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