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Food of the Nineties, Pizza Hut Bigfoot Pizza
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Pizza Hut made as enormous pizza circa 1991-1992 that was three feet long or so. It was rectangular shaped and was really cheap too.
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The following are comments left about Pizza Hut Bigfoot Pizza from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. The BIGFOOT rocked!!!!
I remember this! It looked so huge back then...but I was also really small.
I pretty sure this came from Little Ceaser's. I remember thinking I could impress this girl (I was like 10 at the time) by wolfing down one of the corner pieces that were smaller an more DERP than the others and almost chocking to death. Chew your food.
No, this was definitely Pizza Hut. Little Ceasar's would give you 2 rectangle pizzas. The big foot was a single pizza and it was 3 feet long, came on this long piece of cardboard and this paper sleeve and it it had 2 of the little pizza table thingys to keep the paper from touching the top of your pizza. It was the BEST! The price was great, it was like $10 and you could feed a family and order it half one way and half the other. Oh, and the center pieces were the best ones. :) Pizza Hut has done the panormous pizzas here lately. Similar to the big foot, but it's a pan pizza, and it's just not the same. Good, but not big foot quality.
They are bringing back the BIGFOOT at Pizza Hut in a very short time for all of you fans!
I also thought this was little ceaser's, But all in all, Pizza hut is still the all time best!
Lara is correct, this was Pizza Hut for sure, and Little Ceasar's two square pizzas that came in a rectangle box, that was more of a pan crust. I miss the BIGFOOT.
Little Ceasar's had the big ceasar, not the bigfoot, that was Pizza Hut.
I worked for Pizza Hut as a deliveryman when the Bigfoot came out, it was definately Pizza Hut and those things,although great, were a pain to deliver. :) Doubt Pizza Hut will do those again in this economic downturn but they were huge and only $10 plus cheapo still if you got the deal with the 2 liter pepsi. Who could beat it? ;)
man i remember my cousins used to bribe with bigfoot pizza and a gallon of blue juice to come over they house and play lol id go there eat the pizza drink the juice then call my mom to come get me GOOD TIMES
well yess.. in fact the bigfoot pizza is back nd its delicious!
the bigfoot pizza was the best pizza i remember in 1994 when everyone was getting shot
I appreciate y'all liking me so much. Little known fact, I am actually based on the Classic Sicilian pie. The more you know.
I remember the Bigfoot the best created pizza ever they need to make this a pizza that never leave this could be great for parties and big families
I loved the bigfoot pizza from pizza hut I had since I was elven it should come back
Paul, when everyone was getting shot???
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