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Food of the Nineties, Smokey Red BBQ Doritos
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AWESOME Doritos flavor that tasted spicy and was a dash smoky. Came out around 1996 or 1997.
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The following are comments left about Smokey Red BBQ Doritos from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. Yeah, why were these discontinued??? I've been craving these for over a decade - by far the best Doritos ever made
Just like The Dude said these were the best Doritos ever made. I personally bought enough to where they should have never been discontinued. I dont know what happened.
I miss these chips so much i cry at night.
I had a dream a little chip tapped me on the shoulder and said 'it mi im bbqi in smiky in rid!' im rilly gid fi yi bili!
I have been feeling the same way these guys do about S.R BBQs. I really don't think any of these chips will ever compare. Is there any chance they might come back?????
God damn I miss these chips. They were like the Tbone of chips. I dont like regular doritos.
Im going to email them and see why the hell they are denying me the right to awesome smokiness and amazing bbq goodness that was the Smoky Red BBQ Dorito.
I thought I was alone.... does anyone have frito-lay's phone number?
Not even close! I miss those chips soooo bad :(
Okay I am so not alone wtf I want them now.
They were so good, dipped in plain sour cream!
I miss you Awesome flavor and red finger tips! Even more than those crazy drinks with the gel balls inside!
I miss these like crazy. They completely spoiled me for BBQ chips; nothing else will ever come close again. Dorito always does away with the awesome, original flavors and goes back to making Nacho Cheese/Cooler Ranch variations. Blazin' Buffalo Ranch is my current favorite. I've created a stockpile of it for when Doritos inevitably gives it the axe!
I wish they would bring these back too! Best Doritos I ever had and I still miss them!
It has been a year since I posted and still yet-no Smoky Red BBQ Doritos. I have yet again emailed Frito Lay. Will I get an answer? Who knows Maybe there was lead in the Smoky Red dye they used to color the chips. Honestly-I don't care. I will, for the rest of my life, purpose to bring these chips back into the mouths of America-Nay-THE WORLD.
If we all logged on to doritos.com and all asked to bring it back that they would ? would doritos listen to the people ??? WE HAVE SPOKEN!
They still sell them in canada, you can buy them for a rather inflated price out of a company in north dakota that imports them from canada. they are on ebay.
I want some of these soo bad!
still in canada?? where?!?! i want them so bad :( i buy the BBQ Munchies Snack Mix ONLY because this is my only source of getting my smokey red bbq chips!
@charlie: LOL, I thought that I had consumed enough of them to keep the company in the black. Absolutely my all time favorite chips.
I used to buy these chips all the time, now you can't find them anywhere?? They were the best ever!! I wonder if you can buy them online, does anyone know why they stopped selling them?
Here is contact info for dorito company 1-800-352-4477, between 9:00AM and 4:30PM Central Standard Time, Monday - Friday. Mabie if we all complain they will put them back on the market. Its a shot right?
I have some good news for you all that live in Canada or are visiting there is a party mixed called munchie mix BBQ flavor that is only sold in Canada that has a minature version of smokey red BBQ doritos yum
Read an article bout the history of doritos, they left out the smokey red BBQ now I'm pissed!
I use to murder countless bags of these specific Doritos. Like everyeone else is saying, Where in the help are they? These.Doritos were.by.far.the.best ever made by man!
Bring them back!!!!!!!! Yummm Yumm
Everyone Try SMOKEY CHIPOTLE BBQ Dorritos! I imagine this is our closet salvation. I'm Hype to find out I'm not the only one who LOVED SRBBQ!
I emailed them a long time ago when I couldn't find them anywhere. The said something like they change things up for different areas depending on favors ppl like. Anyways here's their Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/DoritosUSA I just posted about how I missed them! I found one picture... http://www.mikegondek.com/canyouresist/packaging_detail06.html
so i was parked on a street today. i glanced up and saw a really old basketball hoop with a faded doritos sticker on it. i could barely make out bbq and smokey doritos, so i google it bcuz i never had this flavor. now im here. and you ppl are making me so sad to think i never had these flavors of goodness. just know that on a random suburban street basketball hoop, someone is repping doritos smoky red bbqs hard.
^^ They were great!! I've tried the Smokey Chipotle BBQ and it was not close. I miss smokey red sooo much, it was by far the best Doritos flavour ever made. Why can't they bring it back!?!?!
Im 7 months prego n im dyin for some n they are the best chips ever
Those were the only chips i used to buy. Now everytime a new bbq flavor comes out i always hope is s.r. Bbq chips with maybe a new name but no. Lets get a petition going to bring back those delicious chips!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too! Anybody else love and miss BBQ bugles?
Please bring them back!! Love smokin red BBQ!
Yes please! Best chips ever!!!
I used to munch into these in 96 , savage , the stuff of legend
I just found an old empty Dorito bag while metal detecting... apparently it is a smokey bbq fume flavoured. I think I'll keep it.
Definitely my favorite Doritos. I found this youtube link. Share https://youtu.be/Vm3Bo2cw0w0
Been thinking about these chips for YEARS!! So glad to finally know the name once again Whenever I ask others, they don't remember
The bbq heatwave has resurrected cherished memories of these chips from the 90s. I guess it's the closest thing and it's pretty damn good. But they should bring back the Smokey Red barbecue which I initially thought were spicier barbecue but I guess I must be getting forgetful in my old age 20 years after the existence of this amazing chip! It was hands down the best flavor I've ever tasted.
Lets do a petition to ask for them back
The Smokey red bbq Doritos can still be found in the bbq munchies, I buy them solely for those little delicious morsels, the frustrating part is that means they are still being made but u can’t buy just a bag of them by themselves, wich is bs...
I still have some of the original shopping cart ads featuring Ali Landry and the Smokey Red BBQ chips that were never used on shopping carts. I used to install the shopping cart ads in my hometown back in the 90's and these ads were left over so I kept them.
So I’m sitting here eating lunch with my wife. And we are talking about these chips at this Mexican restaurant. And for some reason we go down the rabbit hole of chips we love. And I tell her the best chips to ever hit my lips were the Smokey Red BBQ’S. She never had them so has no idea what I’m talking about. She asked me how long ago they were out. And I say idk maybe 10-12 years. Jesus I’m getting old. It’s been 24 years since I had the best chip ever made. Sitting here reading these comments made me laugh. She was like no freaking way there is a forum for these chips and people are still talking about them. I’m all for starting this petition and getting these bad boys back in all our mouths. I’m gonna start a FB dedicated to the return of the Smokey Red BBQ.
I'm eating some "Bold BBQ" Doritos from Canada, but its just not quite the same. These have a much stronger onion flavor and not enough smokey. I hope one day the Smokey Red BBQ Doritos show back up...
THEY'RE BACK!! Hallelujah!! It's a black bag "sweet and tangy" and they taste just like I remember! :')
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