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Food of the Nineties, Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade soda

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Early 1990s product. Came in the standard Sunkist sunburst design, only in yellow. Basically carbonated lemonade soft drink. It was a really good, tart soda. The jingle went, "Beach born, beach raised, Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade!"
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The following are comments left about Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade soda from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy.

Karen - September 15, 2009 - Report this comment
Im pretty sure they still make this, just in case youre wondering. I had some last week. Im pretttty sure it was sunkist, but I could be wrong.
Andy - April 15, 2010 - Report this comment
I believe they now only make DIET Sunkist Sparkling Lemonade, it's been YEARS and YEARS since I've seen regular (non-diet). Sunkist still pushes their orange soda, but you'll be hard pressed to see them doing any ads for this lemonade.....
Jamie - August 06, 2010 - Report this comment
Yes They still make this and I have a bottle in my hand at this very moment. We have it at our store (Kroger) in both the 20oz 2 litter and 12oz cans It is just not available in some markets.
Dave - January 15, 2011 - Report this comment
I actually found two 2-liter bottles of the NON-diet Sparkling Lemonade (Sunkist) at a convenience store a few days ago. Searches of several chain supermarkets in the Tampa area came up empty. I guess the idea of supply/demand isn't practiced by Sunkist. :-( Anyone in the Tampa area that's been able to find it? Diet or Regular....I'll settle for either! Thanks!

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