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Food of the Nineties, Surge
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The cola that gave several kids sugar highs and seizures. If I remember correctly on the label it contained high amounts of glucose, nice if you are diabetic, bad if you dont need the most pure form of sugar. Also had orange juice and an unneccessary amount of caffeine in it. At my high school, it gave a few kids a minor seizure due to too much sugar. It was quickly banned from being sold in our school (a few days after they were handing it out free).
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User Stories and Comments
The following are comments left about Surge from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. I remember all of my guy friends thinking this was the coolest thing to drink. My husband still has an empty 2 ltr bottle of this that we collect change in...
I think I only had one 12 pack of this when me and my dad stopped to get sodas before a NASCAR race in 1998. I loved it but never had it after that race. And the last one I had I only drank about half and fell asleep on the couch letting it go flat :(
the above description is a complete lie, it actually had less caffine han mountain dew!!!!
I absolutely loved this pop- it was my favorite ever! I drank it all the time during the late '90s. I actually just found a picture of myself from around 1997 sitting at my kitchen table with a can of Surge sitting in front of me.
Vault is pretty much the same thing as surge..
This drink is the BOMB!
This used to be my favorite drink. But now Vault tastes exactly like it.
Definitely Vault. It was the "extreme" thing to drink. Thats all we used to drink when I was a young skater punk.
i remember this. and vault, my older sister was always allowed to have it but i was not. :(
I remember the summer time, floating in my buddies pool, having two 2 liters floating in the pool with us, chugging them down, getting all amped up, running around, doing can openers, back splashes, and cannon balls. Good times, good times.
Surge is exactly the same thing that Vault is now and was Mello Yello in the 1980s. I remember a raffle put on by Coca-Cola in which they gave away several green classic Checker Cabs with orange stripes and Surge logos. I entered one shortly after I got my driver's license in order to avoid driving my Nissan Pulsar as much as possible since I could only fit one other person in, but I didn't win. I loved Surge, and still drink it to this day in the form of Vault.
OMG Surge was the SHIZNIT when I was in middle school!!! They need to bring this back!!
I was in 6th grade when this came out. My best friend and I drank it all the time because it mad us really hyper. Aahh the memories.
Surge was "the" cool drink for the cool skater/punk/hippie/stoner people. It's what we drank before red bulls and rockstars.
I won the cab they gave away in Jacksonville Fl. We collected all the forms we could and sent in several hundred. included was 10 cases of surge 30 dominos pizzas. The car has a great stereo but the 1982 checker cab passed on for old age just a couple years later.
I had a friend whose dad worked for Coke back when this came out. They got a free case of it to test it out before the release.
best soda ever made and i would kill for one right know
when i was in high school me and my boyfriend would drink these while i was at his house doing homework brings back good memories
surge and a butterfinger used to put me right where i needed to be
tasted like mtn dew a little bit. never really got into it. but i still miss it
We always had these in our fridge. Good times. I do loooove vault though.
I remember getting a Super Sized Surge at McDonalds whilst on a road trip. Needless to say, I had to pee every 5 minutes and I was bouncing off the walls of the car. Good times!
i miss Surge SO MUCH! Even more, the Surge icees I would get at the theater!
I have memories when I was little of going to the store and always asking my mom if get one out of the drink machine I miss this drink they need to bring back surge!
I used to have trouble staying awake in class, so my dad started buying me these in junior high school. I've still never found a better caffeine delivery method, although at almost 30 I sure don't need all that sugar now. Vault is close but a bit more astringent/less sweet.
I love surge! I would drink like 4 cans in 20 min and still want more! I remember they invented the wide mouth can so we could chug surge faster, now beer copied surge.
I loved Surge! It was my drink of choice all through High school, we even had Surge vending machines in the halls of my school. Ah, the unethical 90's! A pizza hut for the caf, and soda in the halls.
This stuff was the bomb!
Well according to surgesoda.com this stuff is back for a limited time on Amazon!
Coca-cola is bringing Surge soda back..just saw on the national news today!
Ya I ordered it on amazon
Hey Big Papa, along with doing can openers, back splashes, and cannonballs, did you and your buddy do a little gay experimentation also?
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