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Toys of the Nineties, Gameboy Color
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The latest in the great evolution of Nintendo's popular handheld game systems was the Gameboy. it was Made to play older games. It Reached America in 1998. It Cost a lot, but it was worth it.
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User Stories and Comments
The following are comments left about Gameboy Color from site visitors such as yourself. They are not spell checked or reviewed for accuracy. I still have a game boy color .I have 2 of them and they still work!
i still have one AND i still ahve the original pokemon games Beacuse i never finished it i still play it some time everyone had them and they still do i think they where the best item from 1998 i think cause you could link them i think.
i still have and cherish mine because my best friend gave it to me before he moved away. it's covered in red paint though.
I remember saving up my allowance for weeks and weeks and using my Christmas AND birthday money to buy one of these when they came out! And I still remember running around the house and screaming like an idiot when I beat the Mario game.
I had almost every game I could find to that game I was a must to have a gameboy color growing up if you did'nt have one, you played a friend's. I still got mine (seethrough purple with a pokemon sticker on the back)
I never had one! :[ i did get a game boy advance l8r though (woot woot)
I had one, but Mom sold it to get a Game Boy Advance when they came out.
These thing will never get old...
gameboy color sucks butt hole is so sweet oh yeah
thats awesome ohhhhhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! game boys r uuber sexy
well if thats true I am the hottest on the block
lol right Krueger..
gameboy colors are the coolioest
This toy is cool
"they tried to make me go to rehab but i said no no no"
gameboy colors are the shiznit
Luke I am your f***er.
would you like some ice with that burn
my name is dan
I have some bad memories with my gameboy
so old dont even playthem anymore just doing a project had too use it cause its from the 90's
i still play my pokemon yellow on my game boy color. it makes me feel uber cool hah
I Loves this thing...played pokemon on it all the time....GOTTA CATCHEM' ALL, POKEMON
I still own mine. I have the transparent purple one. But my sound doesn't work on it anymore unless you use headphones on it. I still use it to play Pokemon and Hamtaro. ^_^
Me And My Brother Shared One. I Had A Barbie Genie Game And Pokemon.
i eat it
I remember the game boy pocket that came out before it...I had all the pokemon games and me and my friends used to use the link cable and battle...I owned them in the face every time...I still have my old gameboys and pokemon games...play 'em every once in a while when I'm bored
My cousin had one. I remember going to his house and sneaking up to his room to play it, then he would come up and snatch it away.
My older cousin had one. At family barbecues at their house, it was the only game I was allowed to play with. I wasn't allowed to play with their PS2 with them back then. I was only 4 years old!!!!
When I was five (1998), the Gameboy color was given to me as my very first video game, along with a copy of Pokemon blue.
lolz gaymboy waz da shizle xD
this rocks =+)
ya what ever you say cat rape troll
The gameboy color was always so cool, it had awesome games and it was the first portyable that I ever cared about. Nintendo has really come to bad times though, they'll never achieve what they had before with Mario and Pokemon.
I wanted a teal one for YEARS! I got the Advance SP Gameboy, and I own Pokemon Yellow, and I used to own Pokemon Yellow!
erm...that's what she said.
u r right joe pokemon & mario hav really let us down this last 7 yrs
damb i remeber diz gameboy,lol i had 2 use 2 play with dem a lot:Di was crazy bout dem use 2 take dem everywhere.
i have a yellow gamboy color and fire red and i still cant beat it yet i have beaten all the other games :(
Gameboi wuz the shyt but c'mon ps3 nd xbox made nintendo look like S***
thats what yur mom said when she floped in bed last night
ps u got that right abot xbox 360
I got an DSI but my mumu says gameboy color is better ;)
I dismallished myn
i still have mine!!!!!!!!and all m games still work
I had one of theses when I was really Little
I used to have a yellow one when I was like 6, but it mysteriously went missing
i have the frist gameboy
My fiance gave me his gameboy color a year ago I dont play it since they dont make the game cartirdges anymore
the gameboy rocks
My brrother had this one
I still have it and it works
I had the blue one. with so many games like Kirby
I had it in green with a bunch of carriages I use to take them on flights and cruises
I had a purple gameboy when I was about 10 or 11. I loved playing on it.
Really had fun playing with this
I really enjoyed taking this inn road trips
I use to have this i enjoyed it in the car
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